Meet Sheila Dell CNM, LM, MSN, RN, CPM
Sheila Dell, a devoted midwife practitioner, has delivered over 1100 babies in both in hospital and out of hospital settings in the past ten years.
She served 26 years in the US Navy. Twelve years as a labor and delivery nurse, and four years as a midwife.
Showing great leadership in other practices, Sheila contributed to the creation of an additional location to a midwifery practice in Corona, California as well as spearheading the addition of a midwifery practice to a hospital here in South Carolina.
Sheila is the mother of five ambitious children who have grown pursuing their dreams across the US. Her favorite birth experience was her third, which was, of course, a water birth.
Her hobbies include decorating, gourmet cooking, and entertaining family and friends.
Sheila believes in supporting women in their choices throughout their pregnancies, births and postpartum experiences. Women should be comfortable in the birth location and environment which they choose to give birth. She is an advocate to the gentleness of water birthing and is experienced in delivering in this capacity.
Sheila practices full scope midwifery and women’s health care.
Sheila’s accomplishments:
- A nationally registered certified professional midwife
- Board certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB)
- Licensed by the SC Department of Health
- Licensed by the SC Board of Nursing
- A member of the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM)
- A member of the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)
- A member of the Association of Women’s Health Neonatal Nurses
- A member of the SC chapter of ACNM
- A member of the Palmetto Association of Licensed Midwives (PALM)
- Fetal heart monitoring instructor
- Instructor of advanced life support obstetrics
These are my hands. Through these hands I have come to see the world.
These hands have measured the growth of life and documented the stalling of time.
They guide my ears to places where I hear the watch-like beat of tiny hearts.
My hands have felt the hard bony framework of passages and the softness of muscles
Which will bulge like petals of a rose.
My hands have opened windows to the energy of the souls of those I have touched.
They have held the frigid rigidity of steel instruments and the softness of a friend.
There are stories in these hands, read from the pages of the work of women.
With my hands I felt the power of the strength it takes to grow and release new spirit.
My hands were born with the knowing of touch.
The journey has added how and when and the time to ask for help.
Teaching hands engulfed mine until they were ready to fly.
My hands are joined in a circle which is unbroken through time.
Sometimes my hands do nothing; Their most important work will be still with fingers laced
and witness the ‘art of doing nothing’ has been passed from one generation to the next.
Mine have been taught by some of the most powerful hands, to watch and wait.
This is perhaps the hardest for hands born to touch.
If I have nothing else to give you, let me teach you how to see with your hands.
How to open the windows of life, and close the door softly when it is time.
In the darkness, it is your hands that will light the way.
These are my hands.
These are the hands of a midwife.
_Jan Weingrad